Tyler Cole
I’m a senior product manager at MoMA who previously led teams at Atlas Obscura, Shutterstock, and Travelocity. Outside of work I’ve built over two dozen websites,1 including:
- Color Associations and Guess the PIN,2 the latest additions to Bored Button3, my network of time-wasting websites.
- The crowd-sourced, English-to-emoji dictionary Emoji Phrasebook.4
- A new, downloadable, JavaScript-based, e-book platform called Progressive Web Books5 on which I’ve published free versions of The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises.6
- The vanity press W.S. Cole, where I’m slowly writing a very slim book of advice, One Day You’ll Find Yourself.7
Additionally, I’m a former New York City poll worker and volunteer at Invisible Hands and a proud resident of New York City and Westtown, New York where I live with my wife Arabella Bowen and a willful wire fox terrier.
I’m not active on social media.8 You can email me at [email protected] or download my resume.